Down on our farm


For those of you who don’t know, in December 2013 we leased a 10 acre farm. Well it was just 10 acres of bare ground which we have now turned into a farm.

We built an accommodation unit for the people who work there. We have just completed a cow shed for 30 cows and calves.

We built a number of chicken units to accommodate the organic free range chickens we are producing.

We have installed three solar panels to ensure constant temperature for the chicks and electricity to pump water for irrigation.

Our organic free range chickens will have a much higher value and of course the chickens will have had a much better life as they are free to run around in a large enclosure. Today I believe we have 3000 chicks.

We also have 300 ducks, a fish pond a rice paddy, peanut fields and we are growing feed for the cows.

We have a few goats and our next plan is for sheep.

Using our micro finance income generation program we are going to roll out small chicken producing units for our mothers.

We have two new trustees in Chennai who are setting up a website to market our free range organic chickens.

Our plan is well underway to make almost enough profit to cover the costs of local salaries and overheads. We are also going to start training some of our mothers in better ways of looking after their cows.

It’s amazing how much you can do with 10 acres of land. A number of our local people are working very hard.

